Angels & Spirit Guides

Angels & Spirit Guides
Have you lost the connection between your angels and spirit guides? Have you gone from being inspired,motivated and guided through your a feeling of disconnection.....has it all gone quiet?
Your angels and spirit guides are still around you,just like they were before you started your connection with them.
What happened in the first instance to connect you with your angels and spirit guides? Your shift in vibration! As you worked on your own personal energy,a shift occurred.As you started to vibrate at a new frequency,your angels and spirit guides connected with you.
They were always there,however being in a lower vibration simply means you can not hear them or connect like in a higher vibration.
This is what has happened now....your energy has dipped into a lower vibration! Be assured your angels and spirit guides are still with just can not hear them anymore,as you have been around too much dense energy which has over powered your life.
All is not forsaken......Remember what you needed to do in your life before to shift your vibration and complete straight away.
Your angels and spirit guides will connect as your energy shifts back to a higher frequency.
This can be used as a gauge of your own energy...any time you feel this is a reminder you are drifting off course....maybe you are not focusing on your own energy as much as you need to.
Remember your angels and spirit guides love you and will always be with you...have faith......shift your vibration.