Archangel Metatron & The Mekhabah

Archangel Metatron & The Mekhabah Around our chakra system,around our body we have an aura system.Part of this aura system contains a grid of light. All our interactions are contained in this grid of light/grid of energy. As we cleanse our energy system,we mostly focus on the chakra system. If we expand our awareness - we become aware of our energy grid - the merkhabah. Which stretches outside the body system. It is in this place where deep healing takes place,quite often on a cellular level. If you have already started working with cleansing your merkhabah you will understand how clear this leaves your energy vibration. To start working with this system call upon Archangel Metatron. You may experience a spinning sensation around your body - This is the Merkhabah grid system cleansing in action.Removing lower vibrations and any debris which is clogging your energy grid. If you have never worked with Archangel Metatron before,you may want to sit in meditation with him first as this will build the connection on a stronger foundation. Archangels love to help.They need your permission call away and start cleansing your grid system.