Reiki Level 2 Okuden In 2020 Through Inspire
Courses through Inspire for 2020!
Reiki Level 2 Okuden - Beeston
There are still a few places available if you would like to join this class starting Wed 26th Feb
If you are not able to attend but would still like to complete your Reiki Level 2 Okuden through Inspire there is another In Arnold starting 1st June 5pm -7pm for 5 weeks!
For now save the date for this one........
Reiki level 2 Okuden
Learn the Inner teachings in Usui Reiki,at this level you become qualified to practice Reiki as a profession.
Students must have completed level 1 Shoden before completing this level.
**Save The Date** for Arnold Okuden
For Beeston Okuden Call Inspire Learning to book on - 01623 677200
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