Akashic Records
Akashic Records
As you develop spiritually....Opening up to the Universe, You will connect to a world you didn't know existed.
You could see colours...
You could hear guidance...
You could sense energy.....
You could smell fragrances....
You could taste food.....
And then you could just know things!
Otherwise known as the "Clairs"
Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairscentient, Clairalience,Clairgustance,Claigognizance.
JUst knowing things is a connection to the spirit world. The messages could be from Spirit Guides,Ancestors or Archangels.
Sometimes it will be the Akashic records with which you are connected to.
This is the records of all time, past, present and future.
So if an image , a name, a town, a person just pops into your head go with it.....see what it means
This can be strengthened through Meditation and often connected in Dreams member to journal.
If you are of service to the world, you will very often be inspired through this Akashic records....Maybe you write about things which you know nothing about.Yet it makes sense to those in that field.
Otherwise known as - Automatic writing.
