NEW Certificate design
Loving my new design certificates!
Refreshed the energy
All new Reiki private teachings will be this design.
Replacement certificates can also be ordered for £10. If you have mislaid yours please message me with name, Reiki Level and date of completing with me.
I am also re-open for 1-1 Reiki teachings.
When you are ready to complete your next level of Reiki please message me to place the booking.
I now ask for payment in advance, once confirmed I will send a PDF File of the manual for you to work with before your sessions. This will ease the face to face contact. 3 reijus per level.
Super excited! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
#reiki #energy #universe #empath #shaman #psychic #usuireiki #meditation #mindfulness #okuden #shoden #shinpiden #reikimaster #reikimasterteacher #mandysreiki #mandysworld #mandyturner #suttoninashfield #spiritual #ascension #awakening #blueray #goldenray #lightcodes #christlight
