Quantum Timelines
Quantum Timelines There are a vast number of timelines available at any one time for each individual. Every scenario....every decision.....every location.....every thought.... All connect to different timelines. Have you ever watched Mr Destiny 1990's film with James Belushi and Michael Caine ? If so then you should be aware of Quantum timelines... The way this works Affirmations to use - I chose the highest vibrational timeline possible I chose the highest vibrational outcome possible Everything works in my favour When working with Affirmations, repeat 3 times daily or when "Niggily" energy creeps in. Visualise a higher vibrational timeline during meditations. Work on your own energy - Work with Gratitude - Work with the vibrational scale. Then here is the key! Once you have focused on the higher reality Affirmation - I collapse down the old and bring my energy back to me (repeat 3 times) By collapsing down the old timelines which are dense and outgrown, we create more higher realities. If our energies drop at any point we then only go to the lowest timeline....so you see the old timelines are no longer, so we can not go there anymore.The new low is higher! If a decision goes against you....Say I do not accept this, I choose a higher outcome ....If it is through a letter, place crystals on the letter for 24 hrs. You will notice a shift in timelines. #quantumtimelines #quantumhealing #quantum #spiritual #healing #ascension #awakening #angels #spiritguides #archangels #ascendedmasters #mrdestiny #jamesbelushi #michaelcaine #mandysworld #mandysreiki #amndyturner #gratitude #vibrationalchart #goldenage #5D
