Seeing beyond the veil
Seeing beyond the veil Through Meditation we journey within. Instead of looking outside ourselves - (that which is separate to ourselves) we look within . It is in this space we connect with the Universe and see colours,People,Archangels,Hear words,..... We see beyond the veil. Our third eye opens and we connect via our pineal gland Over time and lots of practice we can also adapt this meditation space as a natural state of being. Being open and connected Being directed if we are of service to the world Being inspired and uplifted Yes anyone can connect, as long as they are open to the experience. What does it all mean? This is for you to explore... Journal....See if there is a pattern Trust your intuition Go with the flow Write, create, draw...... If you pass on messages to others - then it is not your place to know what they mean, as they are for someone else and not you. #thirdeye #meditation #veil #SeeingBeyond #spiritual #angels #spiritguides #archangels #ascendedmasters #mandysworld #mandysreiki #mandyturner #mediumship #psychic #empath #shaman
