Christos This spinal fluid runs to the base of the spine, where it rests for 2 and a half days before travelling back up the spine. Can...

2023 The Numerology
Are you getting ready for a new year? .....This means a new number will be in force. 2023 2+0+2+3 = 7 This year will bring collective...

Meditation with Mandy
Meditation with Mandy Turner Reiki Master Teacher November 2022 This is through mandys Reiki The first session starts 21st October 2022...

Meditation Evenings!
Who's up for some Mandy meditations??? This is through mandys Reiki Rooms are booked every two weeks on Friday 6.30-7.30 I plan to have a...

Spiritual Service
Spiritual service You will be guided if you are to be of service to the world... It requires a leap of faith or two... Trust in the...

Life Path
Life path We all have a path we signed up to prior to birth. This is why we are drawn to certain things and feel "off" with other things....

NEW Certificate design
Loving my new design certificates! Refreshed the energy All new Reiki private teachings will be this design. Replacement certificates can...