Make time for you.

Make time for you.
If your life seems to be chaotic,out of control and getting to you,make time for you! Yes I just said "make" time for you.
If you can't think straight,worry is creeping in,fear is being placed on you,starting to feel down....these are all signs you need to focus on you.maybe you have been spreading yourself too thin...everybody wants your attention.... One bad thing after another.
Stop! Take time out.self reiki...meditate... Sleep...shower/pamper....go for a walk.
Whatever you need to get you it! And do it pause...everything will still be there when you come back and Un pause,but guess what? They won't seem as urgent/stressful/depressing!
After the you time....your awareness will be brought back to the now and you will wonder why you were fretting.
Restore your batteries now....
Stay in the now
Blessings Xx