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Are you listening to your Body?

Are you listening to your Body?

Our body responds to our busy life which is going on around us.Those aches...those twinges!

So what do you do? Do you listen to why the body has caught your attention? or do you ignore it hoping it will go away?

Your body is trying to get your attention for a reason....The reason is not to mask the pain in the hope it will go away.....The reason is to understand what the message relates to in terms of your life.

If you don't understand the message to start with.....sit and quiet the mind....does anything come to mind when you are in a relaxed state?

Maybe this has happened to you before,if this is the case - think what were you doing last time this flared up and relate this to your current position in life......

Your energy running through your body is sending you a message of direction within your life...

Honour your body by understanding and listening.

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