Shine your inner light.

Shine your inner light. You always,always have within you an inner light.Things may come and go along your not get not let outside influences dim your light! If you accept lower energies to cover your light,how will you be able to see your way out? your thoughts will become cloudy and will sense the energy pulling you down. This can only happen if you give them permission! Take the permission away and find you light...It is still there...What is covering your light? Fear? Anger? Worry? Imagine one by one you are pulling them off you....and the next one...and the next you start to feel brighter? did you feel a shift? Great! now focus on your inner light and beam it out...As you do this any blemishes of lower energy will disintegrate ....send them away for healing - to be transformed into the highest vibration of Love,Compassion & Gratitude. Energise your inner light and shine!