Sleeping during healing - Why it happens.
Sleeping during healing - Why it happens. This may not happen every time we take part in some sort of healing therapy....When it does happen,why do we fall to sleep? It happens when our body and mind are out of sync....our mind refuses to switch off...thus interfering with the flow of energy which is being sent to us. The Soul knows all too well how much healing you require to lift your current vibration.Hence - The Soul steps out of the way. As this happens we fall asleep.
This allows our body and mind to take on the energy they need at this moment in time.From time to time we may twitch or try to wake.....If we have not taken enough energy on - we will fall back to sleep. It is said most of our healing takes place while we sleep....ever heard the term "Slept yourself better"?
So if we then look at why this happens........Can we then say we are not allowing our body to re-energise naturally - hence we take on extra therapy to help us. As our Soul returns to us, we wake feeling completely refreshed and relaxed.
Our body and mind lighter and clearer.
So next time this happens - Give thanks to your Soul.