Squeeze the Sponge.

Squeeze the Sponge.
During therapy work...and certainly for anyone who is empathic....we can take on other people's energy.
Like being a sponge ... our energetic field attracts the lower energies.
When this happens our own energy system becomes clogged and dense, our energy becomes sluggish and brings down our inner light.We start to feel the energies we have picked up as our own....which our body and mind adapts to....making us ache/in pain...depressed....lost...etc.
Whilst in a lower state energetically....we take on more and more energy until we feel completely exhausted.
What has happened here? Our energy system (sponge) has become full and heavy of other's energy.If we continue to carry on in our daily lives without any cleansing or release work we become heavy and sometimes treat an ailment in which we do not even have ourselves.
As energies are picked up and felt - listen to the signal your mind and body are sending you.
"This area needs healing.....and it needs it now...not in two weeks time when you can schedule it in".
Then make the time - Work on the healing and release of energy required.As you start this process you are "wringing out the sponge". The energy is being sent away for healing...lifting your own energy and returning your inner light to shine during the healing process.
The sponge feels lighter...your energy feels lighter.....your mind and body are cleansed again.