Beam Your Light.

Beam Your Light. There is an infinite abundance which surrounds us at all times. This infinite abundance carries a higher vibration...the creativity....the inspiration...the guidance...the manifestation....the knowledge...the list itself is too endless...infinite. So why do we not feel this fantastic energy all the time? Because we block the light from getting to us....we hold onto situations/energies.....we get side tracked/engulfed....we lose faith... Stop and look at how this has happened. The infinite abundance is still there - because it is infinite! It is in your room right your your your garden....where ever you are - it flows around you. So please stop even for a few minutes.....close your eyes and allow the energy to flow......Say " I allow the flow of energy to flow through my life" This does not have to be out loud.....Say it in your head.....It will still work. Now breathe in the vibrations.....stay in this space for as long as you need. Open your eyes.....what do you notice? Has the energy lifted? Do you feel happier? Now beam your light Have a wonderful Day!