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Good morning Lightworkers.

Good morning Lightworkers. Being a lightworker means we are able to work with the energies pulling the brighter energies down onto Earth. We all have the power to shine light on darkness. Yes,some days can be testing....If this is one of those days....Dig Deep! you still have the power inside you to shine bright. When testing days come along we have become too wrapped up in lower energies,which have pulled us down.Making us believe we have no control over our lives.We have given the power away. This is when we should be completing more energy work...more inner work..... Shine your light out into the Universe and watch your higher vibrations shift you out of the lower energies once again. This happens to remind work with our own energy and to shine our light bright. You have control over your can do anything you choose. So Love yourself. Be Yourself. Shine your light.

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