The music of the Universe.

The music of the Universe.
Everything in life has an energy.This energy has a vibration which can be heard as frequencies of sound.
If we are happy the sound of the vibration is high...if we are sad or angry the sound of the vibration is lower.
We are vibrating at an electromagnetic frequency.
Those sensitive to vibrations will be able to detect differences in these vibrations.
The earth vibrates on a magnetic frequency as does the Universe and the Multiverse.
It is these vibrations which carry codes of light to us.These codes are full of information from the akashic records/tree of life and contain sound vibrations.
Shifts in energy can be heard as we transform the old energies and bring in the higher energies.
If we tune into this energy by quietening the mind we can hear the frequency of earth (high pitched vibration).
Just as vibrations of light are sent to us from the Universe to shift our vibration through our energy work.....we too can send energy vibrations out to others......Telepathy.
Birds and Animals also connect through this magnetic frequency.They use magneto reception to guide them.
So if on your spiritual journey and energy development you start to notice these coming to you more and more,it is because they are picking up on your magnetic frequency.
You may have had a feeling the same birds/animals are following you - yes! this is true.As they are guided to you....they sense your calm uplifting energy and are at peace in your presence.
Using telepathy with birds and animals is a great development tool to start working on..... as they do listen and respond.