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Timeline collapse

Timeline collapse

Shifting your vibration to a higher state has an impact on the world around you. As you develop your energy system the lower vibrations start to fall away.

The focus here is not to become frustrated with anything which does not speak to your soul.If this is the case.......if an area of your life seems to feel as if the vibration is pulling you down and stopping you from becoming who you feel you should be.......then focus on your spiritual development.

Complete your daily in nature,anything which lifts your spirits. The more you work on your own spiritual energy vibrations - the faster this shift will start to take place.

As with the laws of the universe......what you vibrate - you attract.

As your awareness shifts,so does your life around you.Lower vibrations which do not match your higher shifted vibration,start to fall away.....making space for more higher vibrations to come into your life.

We are surrounded by the web of life - all interconnected.If our vibration is low....we attract fear,anger,worry and confusion. If we vibrate at a higher frequency - we attract love,compassion and gratitude.

The lower vibrational timelines start to collapse,as we are no longer attracting that energy.

Often as this happens,much of the healing process takes place during our sleep state.

This takes time and dedication.As the lower vibrations are starting to collapse,they can often keep popping back up to try to distract you from shifting your vibration.As they know they are leaving and try to cling tightly to anchor you down again.

Keep focused and keep doing what you are doing - because if this starts happening - It is working! You are doing great! do not stop now! As it arises - let it go.

So if an area of your life is bringing you down.....rise above it...for you are better than on your exercises and spiritual development...keep focused...keep will see the positive vibrations starting to flow into your life again.

Sparkle & Shine!

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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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