A little bit more about me

A little bit more about me
As a child I would have messages/dreams/spiritual happenings which over time vanished....however I always thought back to what used to happen and wondered if they would ever come back to me.
I guess part of me already knew the answer to that one.
Around 2002/2003 the dreams and weird happenings (as I used to call them) started up again.
In 2003 I took steps to progress my Spiritual development again....attending courses all over the country.
I started picking up Spiritual books to find stuff I already knew or already did .... I continued in the space of my own 4 walls to develop my skills/gifts and in 2013 I enrolled to learn Reiki for myself.
I had previously had Reiki sessions and now wanted to learn for myself.At the time I said I did not want to teach,but to help others to heal......as time passed I found this too changed...suddenly I did want to teach as well as help others to heal.
In 2016 I took my masters course,although at the time I found myself working for a Charity,working long hours/unsocial hours to help more and do more for the world.
Looking at this picture I can now see how much this was draining to my energy!
I would come home and then have to try and complete 4 hrs of energy work to cleanse my own energy....As an Empath I picked up lots of other peoples lower vibrations and had to clear them away....otherwise it left me climbing the walls (so to speak!).
They say not to give too much,which is what I was doing.
So I can relate to anyone in the health industry and would like to add - look after yourself first,you can not serve from an empty vessel!
This is not being selfish! - It's being honest!
You must look after your own energy first,so take as much time as you need to follow whatever therapies or Spiritual Development you need to..... It will all come together.
A year on and I feel completely different.....often flooded with energy,angelic inspiration and divine guidance..... I am so thankful and grateful of the journey I have been on so far!
Even tho there have been many a heated discussion between myself and the Angelic kingdom LOL 🤣
My connection through crystals has now brought my childhood gifts back into alignment......I focus on my energy exercises daily.....to keep the connection with source strong.
From time to time (If I have again drifted off course) I get pulled back on track.....I am sure if like me you are following your Spiritual path - you will be able to relate to this....
I just wanted to share some more insight with you....I think the message here is to be grateful...to accept and receive your gifts....to make peace with ego and soul....and to enjoy the journey.....keep going!