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The Awakening Years 2012 - 2017 - Mandy Turner

The Awakening Years 2012 - 2017 - Mandy Turner

During this time I picked up all my old Spiritual coursework.All my crystals and Spiritual goodies all came back out the box's.I put my Myth and Magic Crystals back on display. I had kept them for a reason and although at the time I was unsure why.....I went with it.

I started re-reading my Spiritual books....Started buying new ones....I set out to learn as much as I could and to develop Spiritually (like I had in my earlier years)...only this time the energy was to be much more intense.

I had placed so many barriers around my life as I had many experiences I didn't understand why at the time,so I simply blocked them.....Or to put it another way....Shelved them,Boxed them away to deal with another day.

How was I to cleanse these energies....Energies old and heavy from carrying them around for so long?

I had always been drawn to Reiki.

In 2013 I started to learn Reiki,only to find I had already been doing this in my life,not even knowing it was Reiki!

So I progressed through my Reiki levels over 4 to 5 years.

I often say to people - I shut myself away for years so I could focus on Reiki and develop this energy.

I did not just focus on Reiki during this time.....I picked up many books on energy...I explored cleansing and different energy exercises.....Different types of Reiki...Working with Archangels & Ascended Masters...Working with Angels and Spirit Guides....I set up daily rituals and completed them daily.

This was the only way I could develop and cleanse the barriers away....releasing old energies and working through them one by one...

In this time I would journal....Many things did not make sense to me at the time...however reading back it all makes so much sense. I strongly recommend journalling on your journey!

Towards the end of 2017 I completed my Reiki Masters Teachers course,gaining my certificate after completing the very deep and detailed homework in 2018.

As if by Magic - this happened.....

The energy in 2018 has felt much more focused......I stepped into teaching Reiki....and not just Reiki,Spiritual subjects too! They just fell into my lap.

How ever long it takes - keep going! Step into your power! Own your Life! Be true to yourself! Uplift the world!


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