Zoom Courses Weekly Update
Zoom Courses weekly update
Congratulations to everyone who's course has completed this week!
I have just finished emailing over the Inspire/Zoom certificates to you all.
All Meditation and Mindfulness courses have completed this week.
We still have 5 courses running - which will all complete this following week!
Monday AM - Affirmations For A Positive Life
Tuesday AM - Meditation and Mudras Next Steps
Wednesday PM - Meditation and Mudras for a Healthy Life
Thurs PM - Guided Meditations
Friday AM - Complimentray Therapies - Crystals Week!!!

So far we have completed 52 Zoom Sessions! Yes 52! wow 🤩🤯😳👍😁
Amazing results and feedback! Thankyou!
Animals Love joining in Meditation!
We have had lots of cats and dogs joining in the sessions
It also helps to calm down the energy of animals.....They simply can't get enough of it and actually look forward to Meditation time!
Come join in the Autumn Term classes.......we welcome pets through the Zoom online courses!