Stepping over fear
Stepping over fear
When we are vibrating in 3D - The Material world, we are connected with fear, anger, worry. This is because this is the lowest energy. If we stay at this level - it is a vicious cycle.
The lower 3 chakras - The root chakra, sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra represent our connection and interaction with the world.
So it is very likely you will have issues in this lower part of the body.
So how do we shift the energy - Step over Fear?
There are many , many ways to shift your vibration to a higher frequency.
One is to work with Angels, Spirit Guides, Archangels & Ascended Masters.These all operate from pure love energy,so when you first connect with an angel it can feel quite over powering! This is because you are not use to this higher LOVE energy.
Asking Angels to help, starts the unravelling process of outdated energy from your system.
This does not all happen over night....These things take time and you are only ever given what you and your energy can handle at that time.
Having said that....Many, many Lightworkers have been working through the 3D,4D & 5D energies since 2012.Clearing the collective energies of the planet and humanity.
So if you are only just starting this journey....You will not have to go through the dark depths which lightworkers have had to deal with over the last 10 years....Things move at a much faster speed now, compared to the sludge of 3D energy.
As you connect with 4D & 5D energies the colours of your chakras you will notice a drastic difference in the lower 3 chakras,as they become lighter.
You may also experience lightcodes, if your third eye is open and active these codes come from the sun.....But you can also see them on TV, in Films,On Photos.
Using these colours is also a good indication of where your energy is.
Step over fear!
Work with angels
Activate your 5D chakras
Connect with Lightcodes
Just some of the many, many ways to shift your energy and the collective energy of the planet and humanity.
Be of Service
#energy meditation #angels #spiritguides #archangels #ascendedmasters #spiritual #chakras #lightcodes #ascension #awakening #shift #Collectiveconsciousness #humanity #vibration #frequency #psychic #empath #shaman #mandysreiki #mandysworld #mandyturner
