Quantum Timelines
Quantum Timelines There are a vast number of timelines available at any one time for each individual. Every scenario....every...

Spiritual Service
Spiritual service You will be guided if you are to be of service to the world... It requires a leap of faith or two... Trust in the...

Life Path
Life path We all have a path we signed up to prior to birth. This is why we are drawn to certain things and feel "off" with other things....

Angels, Spirit Guides, Archangels & Ascended Masters
Learn how to work with Angels, Spirit Guide, Archangels and Ascended Masters Now Available via a Mobile teaching service Allowing you to...

Mobile Teaching
For those who have completed Reiki levels up to Reiki Master New course - teaching Reiki This is available from September 2022 Please get...

NEW Certificate design
Loving my new design certificates! Refreshed the energy All new Reiki private teachings will be this design. Replacement certificates can...

Reiki Refresher Via Zoom!!!
Reiki refresher on zoom!!! Today will be practical week.... So a reminder for when you set up for today's zoom, make sure you have space...