Jan 2023 courses
2023 courses Starting in Jan! Meditation for beginners Southwell starts 11th Jan 1pm - 3pm for 5 weeks https://www.inspireculture.org.uk/...

Courses starting in June 2023
2023 Courses Starting in June! Meditation Next Steps Eastbourne House Sutton-In-Ashfield starts 9th June 10am - 12 noon for 6 weeks...

April Courses in 2023
2023 Courses Starting in April History Of Holistic Therapies - Mansfield starts 21st June 2pm - 4pm for 6 weeks...

Meditation Events
Meditation event 18th November 2022 We will be completing the see-saw meditation at the next Meditation event. This meditation allows you...

Stepping over fear
Stepping over fear When we are vibrating in 3D - The Material world, we are connected with fear, anger, worry. This is because this is...

Courses for 2023
Looking for Courses for 2023? Book now for the new year! Meditation for beginners Southwell Wed 1pm - 3pm starts 11/01...

Meditation with Mandy
Meditation with Mandy Turner Reiki Master Teacher November 2022 This is through mandys Reiki The first session starts 21st October 2022...

Meditation Evenings!
Who's up for some Mandy meditations??? This is through mandys Reiki Rooms are booked every two weeks on Friday 6.30-7.30 I plan to have a...

Three Diamonds
Three Diamonds Energy Exercise In Reiki Level 1 Shoden we learn to work with Three Diamonds energy exercise The three energy centres are...

Navigating Mercury Retrograde
Navigating Mercury Retrograde Three times a year Mercury goes retrograde. Mercury only appears to go backwards as it completes a cycle...