Meditation Evenings!
Who's up for some Mandy meditations??? This is through mandys Reiki Rooms are booked every two weeks on Friday 6.30-7.30 I plan to have a...

Seeing beyond the veil
Seeing beyond the veil Through Meditation we journey within. Instead of looking outside ourselves - (that which is separate to ourselves)...

New Courses for 2022
Next Courses Starting From Next Week.... Please book asap to take part in the following.... Meditation For Beginners 13/09/2022 West...

Shinpiden Level 3 Reiki
Reiki Level 3 Shinpiden Now Available as a Mobile Teaching Service This means you can learn in the comfort of your own home. Teachings...

Reiki Courses Level 1 Shoden
The NEW summer term courses have now started..... On Todays Cultures, Beliefs and the new age zoom course It was Reiki week.... we did a...

NEW Certificate design
Loving my new design certificates! Refreshed the energy All new Reiki private teachings will be this design. Replacement certificates can...

Zoom Courses for Lockdown Enrolment closing dates
Zoom Courses for Lockdown - Leaflets being delivered!!! Please see below for the enrolment closing dates! Balancing the chakra system -...