Working With Affirmations
Working with affirmations can be very powerful Repeat,repeat,repeat They can be adapted to suit your own personal life Rewire your mind...

The Power of the Pyramids
The power of the pyramids When I visited the Egyptian pyramids the pure sight of the vastness of them made me want to cry.they felt so...

See You Soon !
Well done to all who have completed the courses this week! I managed to work through the 4 courses on Tuesday and Wednesday via...

Next Courses
Good evening peeps A day of paperwork and setting the folders up on Monday for the next batch of courses.....handouts and journals all...

NEW Aura Photo
My new aura photo from Saturdays Mind,body, spirit show at Mansfield #solareclipse2023#spiritualgrowth#aura#mandysreiki#johnfretwellcentr...

Compassion and Gratitude
Compassion and gratitude Sending loving kindness,known as metta can release negative mind chatter,negative feelings and other people's...

Collective energies
Collective energy I'm getting lots of questions about what is happening lately energy wise. I have signposted to other spiritual teachers...

Expanding self awareness in 2024!
2024! Save the date Expanding self awareness Zoom course Starts Feb Tuesdays 1-3pm for 6 weeks For now schedule it in,the new courses...

Growth Mindset is Back for 2024!
Growth mindset is back! Save the date for 2024! Ran through inspire via zoom Tuesdays 6-8pm For 6 weeks For now schedule the dates for...

Reiki Kirkby in 2024!
Reiki shoden Kirkby in ashfield Save the date 2024! Learn the beginning teachings of using reiki.level 1 shoden For now schedule the date...