Vibrate Love & Sparkle Your Wings
Vibrate Love & Sparkle Your Wings Only Love is Real....... Fear,anger,worry and stress are all illusions created in this world to keep us...
Honour Your Soul
Honour Your Soul Be True & Pure Find The Magic Within The Air Be Soft Be Gentle Life Will Flow Watch Your World Around You Grow Mandy...
Be Guided.....Be inspired...Be uplifted by your angels and spirit guides.
Be Guided.....Be inspired...Be uplifted by your angels and spirit guides. You are never alone......they watch everything you do. Angels...
Rise & Shine.
​Rise & Shine. Each morning as you wake give thanks and say "Good Morning" to your Angels,Spirit Guides,Archangels,Ascended...
Letting go & Balance.
Letting go & Balance. Why when we ask for help does it not happen instantly? It does not work that way.It will depend on the situation...
13 Sacred Keys
13 Sacred Keys. Through your journey you will experience many,many different frequencies as your vibration lifts from one step to the...