Stepping stones - A Spiritual Journey
Stepping stones - A Spiritual Journey Keeping your balance during your Spiritual journey is a must.As without balance you will stumble...

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Have a great night Here's to the healing of 2016! Mandy xx

Balancing inner and outer worlds.
Balancing inner and outer worlds. Our outer world reaches out to the Universe.It is in this vibration which messages are sent to us.We...

Building your Future.
​Building your Future. We do not live in the past....we do not live in the future...we live in the today....so how do we build our dream...

The power to Heal.
​The power to Heal. The Universe is made of energy.We all have the power to utilise this power...the power to heal. ...

Look for the Positive
​Look for the Positive Always do what inspires your soul.If a situation is disconnecting you from your souls journey...your life's...

​Karma/energy Karma is the energy of the universe. Call it if you will "your decision ". This is where the law of attraction kicks in. If...

Inner Light.
Inner Light. Working on our body's,mind's,soul's & spirit's energy system we gently remove toxins from our energy grid. These can stem...

Universal energies.
Universal energies. Some days you keep going to do things,however the Universe has other plans.....Oh no you don't! You need to rest. ...

Taking back your power.
Taking back your power. Over the last few months the energy of the Universe has been helping us to clear out,sift through parts of our...