Feng Shui
Feng Shui energy,
flowing into your home as water.
Would the water flow smoothly and nourish all areas of your home or will it get blocked and stagnant in many areas? Do your best to create a home with a smooth Chi flow, because the flow of energy in your home sooner or later will reflect itself in the flow of Chi in your body.
When your body energy (Chi) is blocked, you cannot sustain a good quality of life.
Re-energise your home,not just your body
Cleaning and moving furniture around your home to a new layout is so therapeutic as it removes stagnant energy and refreshes the energy in your home.
Keep the good energy coming - #fengshui
If you are having trouble sleeping at night or still wake feeling weiry try removing mirrors in your bedroom which directly overlook your bed.
It has long been said your spirit travels while you sleep and can get confused if it see's your reflection in the mirror.
Also try removing tv's from the bedroom to create a calming environment for sleep and romance.
Mandy's world helpful tips