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Spirit Guides.

Spirit Guides. As your Spiritual development increases Spirit guides will come to find you. The key is to relax and work on your own energy system.To find ways which support your own development.You will be guided every step of the way...have faith and follow the signs and thoughts which come to mind. As you do you will notice the energy opening up more and more - the messages/idea's/signs and thoughts vibrating towards you faster and faster. If you dismiss these idea's which are trying to be sent your way,instead trying to see spirit guides....trying to talk to spirit are blocking the energy yourself.....because you are trying too hard to communicate with them at a lower vibration. In order to communicate freely with these energies - let go of the need to! and just be. When your energy matches the higher vibration of these spirit guides - they will come to you! Usually during the dream state or medative state....and usually when you are not expecting it......They will come to check on your spiritual progress. Each area of Spiritual guides has an overall guide who will visit you during this time.You may not see all of their body because what you will notice is their eyes! Coming close to you...peering deep into your soul. They are checking your energy reading your soul.When and only when your vibration matches will this world open up fully to you. The reading of your soul is also to check the pureness of the heart.....only the pure in heart are invited into this world too. Which means a lot of cleansing during each Spiritual development stage. Keep developing and enjoy the ride

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Usui japanese Reiki

Mandy Turner  

Reiki Master  Teacher



Mandy Turner ,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,Usui Reiki
Mandy Turner,Mandy's Reiki,Reiki Master,DBS checked
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