Healing the five senses.
Healing the five senses.
There are many different area's in the Holistic approach to healing but have you tried joining them together?
Try some of these examples which work with the five senses.
Try cleansing the energy within each sense before moving onto vibrating positivity with each sense.
Hearing - Cleanse with Sound Energy/Sound vibration. Listen to relaxing music. Listen to Singing bowls. Listen to Chanting.
Taste - Cleansing with water. Cold shower technique. Salt foot bath. Place glasses of water around your room.
Touch - Cleansing with Reiki. Self Reiki. Reiki your environment. Reiki your life.
Smell - Cleansing with Aromatherapy. Light scented candles. Cleaning using bleach will lift the vibration. Patchouli scented shower/bath.
Sight - Cleanse with Meditation. Guided third eye visualisations. Guided pineal gland meditation. Guided heart Chakra meditation.
Spend time working with each sense before moving to the next....notice how different you feel after each step.
By the end of the fifth sense you will notice how alert,relaxed and sharp you feel.
Now try working with the five sense's by vibrating positivity through them.
Happy healing