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Reiki and the Thyroid.

Reiki and the Thyroid.

Thyroid imbalance comes from suppressing our emotions to speak out......maybe life has been knocking you down time and time again,until you reach the point of saying "What's the point".

This creates a were born to do so much is time to cleanse and get back on track.

Reiki and the Thyroid is very powerful.

If your thyroid is playing up it will feel swollen and on fire. The swelling can go down within 10 minutes of Reiki.

Reiki acts as a healing energy to your body,mind,soul and spirit.

Whereas Medication adds to the suppression,by trying to balance the thyroid without treating the root cause of why this has happened and what you are not following for your life path.

Try this short meditation if you have a Thyroid condition.

If you would like more help with Reiki and the Thyroid...please message me.

Mandy Turner Reiki Practitioner

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