Why does Reiki and Meditation work so well?

Why does Reiki and Meditation work so well?
Neurologists have discovered the brain actually cleans itself while we sleep.As toxins are flushed out into our blood and lymphatic systems our bodies and minds accept the flow of daily energy - our system becomes clean and circulating.....setting us up for the day ahead.
Reiki and Meditation work on the very same level.....As the mind relaxes this cleaning process takes place. Mikao Usui stated in his work with Reiki - most of the healing process can be done in the head area alone. This makes the connection to the sleeping brain....and the cleaning process which is enabled.
Having sleep problems could slow down the cleaning process of the brain,which in turn creates a back up of old energy. The same can be said for the lymphatic system....If we hold onto energy/situations and carry them from one day to the next and the next and so on and so on....we are again creating a build up of old energy....which over time creates blocks in the system and the flow of energy backs up. This is why we have aches/pains,low energy etc.
Reiki and Meditation help the brain to reach this state of being at any time throughout the day.Helping the brain to release and cleanse itself, which it may otherwise be struggling to release during the sleep state.
Hence why after a Reiki/Meditation session it can feel like the energy has been swept away....like a weight has been lifted.....like your mind is clearer and more focused.