
Synchronicity/messages Often when we watch films or listen to the radio....there are hidden messages which speak directly to us.It feels as if the message was made for US directly! They can often be so amazing,we look at the radio with eyes wide open! saying OMG! or something happens to make us laugh! I was watching Tomorrowland ..... I had recorded it and left it to sit there un watched. For some reason I was drawn to I pressed play... In this film there was a very strong message! Inside of us we have light and dark. Dark is driven by negative habits,fear,worry,anger etc. Light is driven by Positivity,Hope,Gratitude,Dreams,Belief,Love. Which side wins?? The side you feed! A positive message to release the negativity and stay focused on positivity! To find balance in life whilst working towards a brighter tomorrow. I instantly felt this was a post for Mandys World.....So here it is! Affirmations may help the shift in energy if you are feeling pulled down. "I release all negativity" "I release all Lower Vibrations" "I release all Anger & Worry" "I release fear!" "I rise above and allow my light to shine and expand" Repeat all the above three times. You will feel an instant lift in energy to help you focus. Enjoy and have a lovely day! Mandy