Reiki Refresher Manuals
That's the Reiki refresher manuals printed out ready for the courses through inspire this spring term. If you are attending the courses please bring your original manuals with you... You will be presented with a Reiki refresher manual on the day. This way if you have not completed shoden and Okuden with me, we can look at an adjustment 😁👍 Its not long now til the first one in Sutton-in-Ashfield If you have not booked yet, there are still places available at Stapleford Reiki refresher in March - 01623 677200 call inspire learning for any booking queries for any course queries message me direct. Please note Sutton-in-Ashfield and Arnold are sold out.... If you are not able to get to Stapleford in March, there will be a few more in the summer term. #reiki #energy #aura #chakras #ascension #awakening #blueray #goldenray #lightcodes #christlight #usuireiki #timelines #quantum #lightworkers #wayshowers #shoden #precepts #exercises #spiritual #healing #mind #body #spirit #mindfulness #meditation #okuden #shinpiden ⛩ #mandysreiki #mandysworld #mandyturner