Course Reminders
**course reminder** Tomorrow is complimentary therapies and it is meditation week!

Wednesday is meditation and mudras 💕 week 2,this week it will be 11am - 12.30 pm
Thursday is meditation and mindfulness.. Week 1,this will be 10am - 10.45.week 2 will then be 10am - 11.30
Also Thursday Affirmations for a positive life 1pm - 2.30 pm week 3
Friday is also meditation and mindfulness week 1,so will be 1pm - 1.45pm then week 2 will be 1pm - 2.30 pm
Please remind anyone you know who is on the course!!!
The Zoom link is the same for every week of the course... Please write the code and password down, in case you have technical problems and need to join the group again
See you soon Mandy
Love zoom