Your World,Universe and Multiverse

Your world,Universe and Multiverse
Part of the healing process and Spiritual development is to release any energy which does not serve our higher self. This means anything we are holding onto from our years of experience in life which is blocking our inner light must go. If we continue to hold onto this energy our light - although it is still there - does not shine as brightly as it should.
To help explain this process focus on you! You and every experience you go through is your world. How you feel and think is what you project to your outer world - this is your universe! Daily interactions with other people and mixing with other energies which are not yours - This is the Multiverse!
For example - Many people can not cope with busy environments or shopping in supermarkets.This can bring on panic attacks,fear,anxiety and depression. It is very important to notice which are your energy vibrations and which are other peoples you have picked notice how you feel before entering this situation...if nothing has happened other than walking around,yet panic attacks appear-you feel a need to have mixed with too many energy vibrations from others.They are not your own! Retreat and release!
Focus on your inner light! Create healthy boundaries! Release old energy! Look after your own energy!
Our bodies speak to us to bring awareness to our world.If we have aches/pains/tension we need to release/heal these from our inner world,otherwise they will project into our outer universe.
To release any tension ask the Universe to massage your body.To massage all your cells,all your bones,all your tendons,all your particles,all your ligaments,all your blood. This is very powerful and works straight away.....feel how the energy is free flowing through your body again.
Focus on connecting your heart and mind,as this releases any Illusions or distractions created by others and projected from the Multiverse into your Universe.
Own your own energy.If something is adrift and not feeling right...focus on your energy and release. This creates healthy boundaries in your world.
When an outer reflection into your Universe fills you with anything but LOVE this is a sign to go within and correct this projection. YOU have the POWER to create anything you want/wish/hope in create a great one!
As you continue to focus on your own inner energy and your inner light shines brighter....this reflects into your outer Universe....Then when you come into contact with others and experience the Multiverse.....Notice how this has too changed!
You also have the power to accept or remove any outer multiverse from your circle of energy.So choose wisely!
Make this experience one of FUN and EXCITEMENT go experiment and learn how to control your life to its fullest potential.
You are free to do anything you want in life.
Focus on Love,Compassion,Gratitude and Joy!