True Self / Life Purpose
True Self/Life Purpose Without a sense of purpose in life we often become demotivated and confused. Trying to work out which direction is best and working out all the pro's and cons before deciding to take the first step into a certain direction. We very often(the mind) complicates matters. Take a step back,carry out meditation and cleansing rituals. By removing blocks and letting go of past and present pieces start falling into place. If we try to control the situation,we could also be clinging too tight that actually we repel the very thing we are after. Let go - Surrender - Trust Focus on you! This is very only you know how you feel....Get your energy back on track......have fun! This shifts the energy to a higher vibration....Do something to take your mind off it. You will often find the outcome far outweighs any preconceived thoughts you had. Once your energy matches the outcome - the results will start to show and like the pieces of a jigsaw - they all start fitting in the right places.....and you just know! Focus on service!