Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think
Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think Working on our own energy systems helps us to release old stagnant
Be Grateful - The Universe is teaching you!
Be Grateful - The Universe is teaching you! Every experience we encounter is a teaching of how to handle the situation. We can get...
New business cards have arrived!!
New business cards have arrived!! Mandy's Reiki & Mandys World Reiki & Spiritual Development Love them!
Reiki Master
Completed & passed my Shinpiden course and homework!
Spiritual Empowerment.
Spiritual Empowerment. Completing daily energy work/energy exercises helps our Spiritual development. As the stress and any demands...
Removing Energy Blocks
Removing Energy Blocks Whilst completing energy work/ Spiritual work, any blocks in energy which have built up are chipped away and...
Energy workers working in a Spiritual practice,Care practice,Health sector or Charity sector.
Energy workers working in a Spiritual practice,Care practice,Health sector or Charity sector. Working in these area's can have a huge...
BeautyUK & Holistic health show at the NEC
Had a lovely day at the BeautyUK & Holistic health show at the NEC today.... It was great to see such a wide variety of products on...
Why does Reiki and Meditation work so well?
Why does Reiki and Meditation work so well? Neurologists have discovered the brain actually cleans itself while we sleep.As toxins are...
The Thyroid and Reiki.
The Thyroid and Reiki. If you have ever been told you have an under active thyroid or over active thyroid and you would be on medication...