Schumann resonance
Schumann Resonance This instrument measures the frequency of the planet. Currently the resting rate is 7.83HZ The chart is blue when...

Akashic Records
Akashic Records As you develop spiritually....Opening up to the Universe, You will connect to a world you didn't know existed. You could...

Navigating Mercury Retrograde
Navigating Mercury Retrograde Three times a year Mercury goes retrograde. Mercury only appears to go backwards as it completes a cycle...

Quantum Timelines
Quantum Timelines There are a vast number of timelines available at any one time for each individual. Every scenario....every...

Seeing beyond the veil
Seeing beyond the veil Through Meditation we journey within. Instead of looking outside ourselves - (that which is separate to ourselves)...

Collective Consciousness
Collective Consciousness As we work on shifting our own energy to a higher vibration, our world changes too. Those around us and...

Spiritual Service
Spiritual service You will be guided if you are to be of service to the world... It requires a leap of faith or two... Trust in the...

Life Path
Life path We all have a path we signed up to prior to birth. This is why we are drawn to certain things and feel "off" with other things....

Earth Star Chakra
Earth Star Chakra The Earthstar Chakra is located below your feet in Mother Earth This connection helps with Grounding Otherwise known as...

Vibrational Chart
The Vibrational Chart This is so important when you work spiritually or energetically. The bottom of the chart is where we see the energy...