Einstein was Right!
It has taken Science 100 years to find what Albert Einstein talked of.....HUGE...HUGE....step for Science and Spirituality! Now ripples...

Spirit Guides.
Spirit Guides. As your Spiritual development increases Spirit guides will come to find you. The key is to relax and work on your own...

Empaths Being an Empath can be pretty hard going at times.Not knowing which is your energy....which is someone else's.....Why you have...

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Have a great night Here's to the healing of 2016! Mandy xx

Balancing inner and outer worlds.
Balancing inner and outer worlds. Our outer world reaches out to the Universe.It is in this vibration which messages are sent to us.We...

Reiki Your Life
Reiki has many benefits. As Reiki uses the "Universal energy", it can be used on yourself,animals,objects and also on area's of your...

Reiki is a journey.
Reiki is a journey. Learning and administering Reiki has many benefits. Initially we may learn Reiki as a way to help the world heal....

Spiritual Development.
​Spiritual Development. Working on your own energy system daily allows your vibration to shift to a higher frequency.This shift in...

Self Love.
​Self Love. To be happy in your own company is a true value.Too often we place attachments to outside sources for happiness.....it is...

Reiki, Bodywork & You.
​Reiki, Bodywork & You. Working with Reiki (Universal energy) to unlock,start or develop your spiritual development and healing process...