White Energy Core.
White Energy Core. Spiritual Development concentrates on our Chakra system which runs through our physical bodies.We spend time...
Spiritual Flu / Kundalini
Spiritual Flu / Kundalini How many times have you been ill/had the flu only to see it as a bad thing.....you have picked up a bug....a...
Building your Future.
Building your Future. We do not live in the past....we do not live in the future...we live in the today....so how do we build our dream...
Self Love.
Self Love. To be happy in your own company is a true value.Too often we place attachments to outside sources for happiness.....it is...
Being in your cave.
Being in your cave. Through a spiritual journey we sometimes feel the need to withdraw.....locking ourselves into our own cave. This...
Telepathy/Twin Flames.
Telepathy/Twin Flames. As you tune into your telepathic channel you may start to see an orange glow in your third eye,which starts to...
Shine your inner light.
Shine your inner light. You always,always have within you an inner light.Things may come and go along your path.....do not get...
Look for the Positive
Look for the Positive Always do what inspires your soul.If a situation is disconnecting you from your souls journey...your life's...
Sensitivity. As you become more sensitive to frequencies and vibrations you will start to notice how the Universal energy changes...
Karma/energy Karma is the energy of the universe. Call it if you will "your decision ". This is where the law of attraction kicks in. If...