The power to Heal.
​The power to Heal. The Universe is made of energy.We all have the power to utilise this power...the power to heal. ...
Telepathy/Twin Flames.
​Telepathy/Twin Flames. As you tune into your telepathic channel you may start to see an orange glow in your third eye,which starts to...
Look for the Positive
​Look for the Positive Always do what inspires your soul.If a situation is disconnecting you from your souls journey...your life's...
Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal.
​Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal. It is great to be able to record down all your experiences as you progress on your Spiritual...
​Karma/energy Karma is the energy of the universe. Call it if you will "your decision ". This is where the law of attraction kicks in. If...
Inner Light.
Inner Light. Working on our body's,mind's,soul's & spirit's energy system we gently remove toxins from our energy grid. These can stem...
Letting go & Balance.
Letting go & Balance. Why when we ask for help does it not happen instantly? It does not work that way.It will depend on the situation...
Universal energies.
Universal energies. Some days you keep going to do things,however the Universe has other plans.....Oh no you don't! You need to rest. ...
Go with the flow of the Universe.
Go with the flow of the Universe. The Universal energy can often pull us in a direction....maybe we have started to let worry creep...
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon.
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon. Tonight is the night - the last in the Tetrad of blood moon's... Can you feel the energy? What were...