From Spirit to Child
From Spirit to Child During conception we enter through the white spirit door to journey towards our life in the womb.We have already...
Be Guided.....Be inspired...Be uplifted by your angels and spirit guides.
Be Guided.....Be inspired...Be uplifted by your angels and spirit guides. You are never alone......they watch everything you do. Angels...
Do you ever feel you are ahead of time?
Do you ever feel you are ahead of time? Lightworkers,Empaths,Psychics,Healers,Energy workers,Holistic therapists,Spiritual...
Spiritual Development.
​Spiritual Development. Working on your own energy system daily allows your vibration to shift to a higher frequency.This shift in...
Building your Future.
​Building your Future. We do not live in the past....we do not live in the future...we live in the how do we build our dream...
Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal.
​Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal. It is great to be able to record down all your experiences as you progress on your Spiritual...
​Infinity. Just as the Universal energy is infinite (flowing in abundance throughout the whole of existence) so then are every...
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon.
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon. Tonight is the night - the last in the Tetrad of blood moon's... Can you feel the energy? What were...
Are you an Empath ?
Are you an Empath ? A subject I can talk very in depth about.As an Empath you will pick up other peoples energy and emotions quite...
Empaths and Reiki ....................
Empaths and Reiki .................... Considered a gift Empathy is sometimes not seen that way. Learning to cope with it and turning the...