Energy pulses.
Energy pulses. Energy downloads can be felt as the energy surrounds you.around your ankles - if there is a need to be grounded.....if the...
Mandys World Book recommendations for Spiritual Development.
Mandys World Book recommendations for Spiritual Development. Over the years I have dedicated time to read self development books.....many...
The music of the Universe.
The music of the Universe. Everything in life has an energy.This energy has a vibration which can be heard as frequencies of sound. If we...
Energy Portals
Energy Portals The Information Highway! Downloads Of Information At Lightening Speed Information You Just Know! Mandy Turner
Beam Your Light.
Beam Your Light. There is an infinite abundance which surrounds us at all times. This infinite abundance carries a higher...
Souls. Every Soul is unique and has it's own special place in the world. Each soul is connected to the Universe through the pure energy...
Reiki, Bodywork & You.
​Reiki, Bodywork & You. Working with Reiki (Universal energy) to unlock,start or develop your spiritual development and healing process...
Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal.
​Keeping a Spiritual Development Journal. It is great to be able to record down all your experiences as you progress on your Spiritual...
The Akashic records
The Akashic records. The library off all time. All information that ever was,is and will be is inside the askashic records.Otherwise...
Ancient Knowledge.
Ancient Knowledge. Ancient Egyptian understood and worked with energy,healing and the Universe. When you look into anything,be sure to...