The music of the Universe.
The music of the Universe. Everything in life has an energy.This energy has a vibration which can be heard as frequencies of sound. If we...
Working with angels,spirit guides,archangels & ascended masters
Working with angels,spirit guides,archangels & ascended masters As we build a spiritual daily practice we cleanse away any low...
Heart Expansion.
Heart Expansion. Developing daily energy routines which are personal to you allows you to resonate with the universal energies at a...
Only Love is Real.
Only Love is Real. When we cleanse our bodies,mind,soul,spirits and aura's we are detoxing from any toxic energy we have picked up.....or...
Energy From Source.
Energy From Source. You will never be given something you can not handle. Once your vibration changes The flow adjusts accordingly And...
Mediation - The Tonic Of Life
Mediation - The Tonic Of Life We give ourselves Calm,Balance & Serenity through Meditation. As we calm the mind this allows the universal...
Sunday Blessings
Sunday Blessings Today is a New Day In Your Life Keep Your Bubble Pure Only Spend Time/Mix Energies With Who YOU Decide Charge Your...
Honour Your Soul
Honour Your Soul Be True & Pure Find The Magic Within The Air Be Soft Be Gentle Life Will Flow Watch Your World Around You Grow Mandy...
Why does Reiki and Meditation work so well?
Why does Reiki and Meditation work so well? Neurologists have discovered the brain actually cleans itself while we sleep.As toxins are...
The Thyroid and Reiki.
The Thyroid and Reiki. If you have ever been told you have an under active thyroid or over active thyroid and you would be on medication...