Energy Purge
Energy Purge When something has taken hold in your life which is against your true self,this may start to feel uncomfortable.It has moved...

Energy Portals
Energy Portals The Information Highway! Downloads Of Information At Lightening Speed Information You Just Know! Mandy Turner

Energy From Source.
Energy From Source. You will never be given something you can not handle. Once your vibration changes The flow adjusts accordingly And...

Mediation - The Tonic Of Life
Mediation - The Tonic Of Life We give ourselves Calm,Balance & Serenity through Meditation. As we calm the mind this allows the universal...

Great Bright Light/Lifeforce
Great Bright Light/Lifeforce We all have a lifeforce running through every cell in our bodies.It is this lifeforce which can also bring...

Vibrational Shift
Vibrational Shift We hear about the Vibrational shift which is going on surrounding the planet and the energies of the Universe.Many are...

Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think
Energy work - Why you are doing more than you think Working on our own energy systems helps us to release old stagnant energies....as...

Be Grateful - The Universe is teaching you!
Be Grateful - The Universe is teaching you! Every experience we encounter is a teaching of how to handle the situation. We can get...

Spiritual Empowerment.
Spiritual Empowerment. Completing daily energy work/energy exercises helps our Spiritual development. As the stress and any demands...

The Thyroid and Reiki.
The Thyroid and Reiki. If you have ever been told you have an under active thyroid or over active thyroid and you would be on medication...