Reiki, Bodywork & You.
​Reiki, Bodywork & You. Working with Reiki (Universal energy) to unlock,start or develop your spiritual development and healing process...
Being in your cave.
​Being in your cave. Through a spiritual journey we sometimes feel the need to withdraw.....locking ourselves into our own cave. This...
​Infinity. Just as the Universal energy is infinite (flowing in abundance throughout the whole of existence) so then are every...
​Karma/energy Karma is the energy of the universe. Call it if you will "your decision ". This is where the law of attraction kicks in. If...
Inner Light.
Inner Light. Working on our body's,mind's,soul's & spirit's energy system we gently remove toxins from our energy grid. These can stem...
Meditation. A process to aid the mind.The mind being the most important part of our being.This is where thoughts are...
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon.
Super moon/Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon. Tonight is the night - the last in the Tetrad of blood moon's... Can you feel the energy? What were...
13 Sacred Keys
13 Sacred Keys. Through your journey you will experience many,many different frequencies as your vibration lifts from one step to the...
Challenges are lessons.
Challenges are lessons. On your spiritual path there may be many twists and turns...many challenges. These are sent not as a...
Direction. What fuels one persons soul,does not necessarily fuel the next persons soul.we are all here to help lift the